Hudson is now 2 months old. His stats are:
Weight: 12 lbs 2.5 oz 56%
Height: 22.25 inches 19%
Head: 15.75 inches 45%
When I put him on the scale and it said 12 lbs my jaw dropped. I can't believe how big he is getting. He had doubled his birth weight.
We are still having some issues sleeping but I'm hoping it's just a phase and he'll grow out of it. He won't sleep unless he's being held which isn't a bad thing I guess but it's pretty unrealistic when I have a 3 1/2 year old who I still have to take care of. If I'm out and about running errands he sleeps so good in his car seat but if we just stay home I rock him to sleep and he's out so I lay him down and he wakes right up. It's pretty frustrating.
Good news though is he is starting to smile more and more and he has the cutest little smile. He does sleep pretty well at night. . .once I actually get him to sleep that is.
Brookie is still such a good big sister. She held his hand while he got his shots at the doctor today and when he was screaming she was heartbroken. She almost started crying herself because she felt so bad for him. She always has to be the one to buckle up his car seat. She always gets right in front of his face and says, "Hi Buddy."
Here are the kids are first week back to church. What a little stud in his tie:) He looks just like Daddy