I was really hesitant this year about preschool, just because I felt like she was sooo ready for Kindergarten. She misses the deadline by 1 day!! I didn't even think I could fight it with the school but then I started wondering if I had her tested if they would have let her go. Anyways. . .I didn't and she's doing another year or preschool. It's at a different place than last year, it's at an elementary school rather than someone's house, and she LOVES it. I didn't get a very good vibe from the teacher and other parents but she has so much fun. They go to the computer lab and play on Starfall.com (which she is very familiar with), she loves going to library and reading books, and there is the playground they have played on every single day and in the winter they will have gym time. I was really worried because she wasn't coming home with any papers or anything to show me that they have been doing but the teacher keeps a lot of stuff there are the school. But slowly she is starting to bring home papers.
Here she is all ready to go!
It's crazy what a difference a year makes! I remember taking her last year and she was really nervous, luckily she had a friend in her class which helped a ton. This year she was a little nervous just because she didn't know anyone but she went to class just fine. Next year she will walk right into Kindergarten without even looking back! She is growing up so fast!