He weighs 21 lbs (52%)
He is 28 inches long (32%)
And his head is 17 inches (38%)
At 9 months he doesn't really like baby food anymore, he prefers the good stuff. He eats pretty much anything you give him!
He loves the bath! Since this picture was taken he has graduated out of this little tub and now just sits in the big tub. He lays on his belly and just kicks his arms and legs and splashes while laughing the whole time.
When Brookie is taking a bath, he loves to stand on the side and dip his little chubby fingers into the water.
Just within the past couple days he has started to pull himself up on everything. And just today he stood all by himself for a couple of seconds. His face was priceless. He lifted his arms in the air and grinned and me like, "Look mom, no hands!"
He is just crawling all over the place!! He first always goes for the bathroom where the cat food is.
He loves to play peek a boo. He'll pull a shirt or a blanket over his head and wait for you to say, where's Hudson. Then he'll lower the blanket and you say peek a boo and he just laughs. He has got the word Ma Ma down pretty good. Says it all the time, which of course I love!!!
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