Sunday, January 8, 2012

Holidays 2011

I am so over blogging. But since I don't really scrapbook anymore I need to blog so that my pictures and memories are all in one place. Since I am way behind lets start with Thanksgiving. We went up to the cabin. There has been hardly any snow this year so we couldn't go snowmobiling but the kids were still able to play in what little snow we did get. My dad built this swing that is a lot of fun, more for the adults. I think the kids are scared of it.

I have such good parents who are always willing to get down and play with the kids!

Hudson LOVES any kind of fruit. Notice the bag of cut up watermelon next to him yet he decided he would dig it out of the actual watermelon! Such a cute little stinker!!

Mom and Dad with all 4 grandchildren, and Kyle and Katelyn's dog, Sophie who has become part of the family!

We have recently been given some devastating news. Lane's Dad has been diagnosed with stage 3 Non-Hodgkins Lymphoma as well as Thyroid cancer. The thyroid cancer is easily treating by removing his thyroid, which they did and he will be on medication the rest of his life. He his writing a journal through out this process and is very inspiring to us. The website is for those that wish to read his journey. He is an amazing man and I believe he can fight this!

So the holidays this year were a little different for us. It made us look at life differently and to appreciate what we have.

Looks like I will have to break up these posts so it doesn't go on forever. . .

1 comment: said...

hi lady! i can't believe how big your kiddos are getting! I wish I would have known she was in the nutcracker...we took raquel and she was glued the whole time it was so funny ha ha we'll need to find her a class ;)