Weight: 22 lbs (40%)
Height: 29.5 in (42%)
Head: 18 in (31%)
To me that seems a little odd that he his supposedly below average for all of his stats because everyone tells me what a BIG boy he is. But all that matters to me is that he's healthy and developing on track.
At 12 months he is a very happy and easy baby.
He loves to clap his hands and dance to music
He still is a VERY good eater and doesn't refuse much food.
He popped thru his 3rd tooth on his birthday and is working on a 4th. He has 2 bottom and 1 top. Yep folks, only 3 teeth!!!
He's a very good sleeper. He's been on a strict schedule since about 5 or 6 months old. I like my babies to have a consistent routine. I think it's makes them happier as well as myself. He takes 2 naps. One in the morning for an hour and half and one in the afternoon for an hour and a half to two hours. And he sleeps a solid 12 hours at night.
I thought he didn't have any stranger anxiety but when I took him to get his 1 year pictures we learned he does. He did not like the photography and it took everything from him, myself and Brookie to get him to smile. I was worried they wouldn't turn out but I was very pleased with them.
Hudson is such a stud!!
There are a lot of pictures but I just love them!

1 comment:
oh my he is seriously so cute! should we arrange a marriage now?
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