Thursday, February 3, 2011

11 Months

Time is flying by! I can't believe Hudson is 11 months old now! Well not much has happened since he was 10 months other than he gets cuter and cuter!

Bath time is his favorite!

He follows Brookie around everywhere and whatever she's doing he has to be tagging along as well.

He still eats pretty much everything. I'd have to say his favorites are french toast and pizza.

He has this fake laugh he does that he thinks is pretty hilarious! Ok I think it's funny too :)

He is getting harder and harder to contain at church, he just wants to crawl everywhere!

My once blue eyed baby is now a green eyed handsome little boy.

We buzzed his hair because it grows so fast and I was tired of cutting it so often. I think it makes him look more like his daddy and more a like a little boy rather than a baby!

He is not walking yet but really close. His balance is really good and he'll stand there but he's a bit of a scaredy cat when it comes to walking.

1 comment:

Melissa said...

He is sooooo cute. I guess he has to do everything like his sister, because she's sooooo cute, too.